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Extended Release Thymol Blocks Scientific Beekeeping

Extended Release Thymol Blocks

Contents My Preliminary Findings 1 Preparation. 2 Application. 4 Colony Response to the Treatment 6 Final Inspection. 13 Effect Upon Varroa. 15 Is it Worth Preparing Your Own?. 15 Remaining Questions to Answer 15 There’s a Reason that EPA Registers Miticides! 16 Citations and Notes 16 Extended-Release Thymol Blocks Randy Oliver First published in The post Extended Release Thymol…
UOVBA News Bot
June 25, 2024
The Elephant and the EPA Scientific Beekeeping

The Elephant and the EPA

The Elephant and the EPA Randy Oliver First published in ABJ April 2024   A related pair of issues are coming to a head: (1) The “elephant in the room” that nobody wants to talk about –– that the EPA is feeling increasing pressure to ramp up enforcement against beekeeper use of unapproved treatments, The post The Elephant and…
UOVBA News Bot
June 25, 2024
Welcome to the 4th Agricultural Revolution! Scientific Beekeeping

Welcome to the 4th Agricultural Revolution!

Contents THE OTHER AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTIONS. 3 The First Revolution (The Neolithic Revolution) 4 The Second Revolution. 4 The Third Revolution (The “Green Revolution”) 5 The Fourth Revolution (“Agriculture 4.0) 6 The Almond Industry. 6 The Honey Industry. 7 Miticide Resistance. 7 FACTORS INVOLVED IN ALMOND POLLINATION. 8 Demand from the Almond Industry. 8 Climate Change The post Welcome to the…
UOVBA News Bot
June 25, 2024
Good News from the EPA ! Scientific Beekeeping

Good News from the EPA !

  Good News from the EPA! Randy Oliver First published in ABJ January 2024   Last month I wrote about a letter that I written in July to the EPA, asking for clarification as to whether they actually had authority under FIFRA to justify restricting beekeepers from using generic oxalic acid (and other natural The post Good News from…
UOVBA News Bot
June 25, 2024
Podcast Memorial to Kim Flottum Bee Culture

Podcast Memorial to Kim Flottum

During this seventh year anniversary week of the podcast, we bring you this special memorial episode honoring our former co-host, colleague, and dear friend, Kim Flottum, who passed away in December 10, 2023. This episode is dedicated to celebrating Kim’s remarkable life and his immense contributions to the beekeeping community. Join hosts Jeff Ott, Becky Masterman, and Honey Bee Obscura’s, Jim Tew,…
UOVBA News Bot
June 25, 2024