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UF Two Bees in a Podcast Bee Culture

UF Two Bees in a Podcast

Episode 166: Environmental DNA In this episode of Two Bees in a Podcast, released on May 28, 2024, Dr. Jamie Ellis and Amy Vu speak with Dr. Leigh Boardman—an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Memphis—about Environmental DNA (eDNA), how it works in the honey bee world, and how it might be beneficial to…
UOVBA News Bot
May 29, 2024
Featured Events: Michigan State University Bee Culture

Featured Events: Michigan State University

MAY 28 Honey Bee Brood Diseases and Varroa at Seven Ponds Beekeepers Meeting 7-8:30 p.m. | Dryden, MI Learn to distinguish between healthy and sick brood and to recognize signs of European Foulbrood, American Foulbrood, chalkbrood, and varroa parasitic mite brood syndrome.   JUN 1 Honey Bee Medicine Clinic for Veterinary Practitioners 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 12-4 p.m. | Lansing,…
UOVBA News Bot
May 28, 2024
2024 ABRC Proceedings Bee Culture

2024 ABRC Proceedings

Part 2 DOI: Pesticides and Acaricides Control of Varroa destructor with Lithium Chloride: Efficacy and Side Effects Rein, C1; Rosenkranz, P1; Traynor, K1 1 State Institute of Bee Research, University of Hohenheim, Germany The parasitic mite Varroa destructor remains the greatest threat to honey bee health. Once established in a country, beekeepers must typically treat against Varroa to keep…
UOVBA News Bot
May 27, 2024
Colony Loss Survey in Latin America Bee Culture

Colony Loss Survey in Latin America

Scientific Reports First large-scale study reveals important losses of managed honey bee and stingless bee colonies in Latin America Fabrice Requier, Malena Sibaja Leyton, Carolina L. Morales, Lucas A. Garibaldi, Agostina Giacobino, Martin Pablo Porrini, Juan Manuel Rosso-Londoño, Rodrigo A. Velarde, Andrea Aignasse, Patricia Aldea-Sánchez, Mariana Laura Allasino, Daniela Arredondo, Carina Audisio, Natalia Bulacio Cagnolo, Marina Basualdo, Belén Branchiccela, Rafael…
UOVBA News Bot
May 23, 2024
UF Two Bees in a Podcast Bee Culture

UF Two Bees in a Podcast

Episode 165: Structural Bee Removal In this episode of Two Bees in a Podcast, released on May 21, 2024, Dr. Jamie Ellis and Amy Vu speak with Jean Navarro—a beekeeper, pest control operator, and the owner of Mega Bee Rescues and Pest Control—about structural bee removal. This episode concludes with a Q&A segment. Check out our website:, for additional…
UOVBA News Bot
May 22, 2024
Bee in the Know Bee Culture

Bee in the Know

Assistance for Bee and Honey Producers From Plant to Product Bees help feed and fuel communities by pollinating crops. In fact, some scientists estimate that one out of every three bites of food we eat exists because of animal pollinators like bees. From plants to final product, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has programs to help bee and honey producers…
UOVBA News Bot
May 21, 2024
Bees & Beekeeping: Past & Present – April 2024 The Dangerous Lives of Foraging Bees: Part 2 American Bee Journal

Bees & Beekeeping: Past & Present – April 2024 The Dangerous Lives of Foraging Bees: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we ended with bees becoming ensnared in spider webs. We continue with watching bees forage. I spend a considerable amount of time studying bees, especially in the summer. Watching bees forage, chasing them from flower to flower, camera in hand, filming and feeling for when the camera begins to overheat, one learns a constellation…
UOVBA News Bot
May 20, 2024
Notes from the Lab – April 2024: American Bee Journal

Notes from the Lab – April 2024:

Varroa and Tropilaelaps feed primarily on honey bee hemolymph when they reproduce Until 2019, everyone knew varroa was a vampire that fed on honey bee hemolymph. But then Sammy Ramsey published his paradigm-altering study (Ramsey et al., 2019; highlighted in the April 2019 Notes from the Lab: 159(4):443-445), showing varroa was actually more like a werewolf since it fed primarily…
UOVBA News Bot
May 20, 2024
Beekeeping Basics – April 2024: Fail-safe Splits American Bee Journal

Beekeeping Basics – April 2024: Fail-safe Splits

Around this time of year, I have the most glorious recurring dreams about swarms. Usually, the dream starts out like any run-of-the-mill dream about working for hire on Taylor Swift’s rainforest unicorn farm. I’m usually crawling around on the soft fragrant ground, trimming iridescent fringed aphids from a coral reef tree, when my knees begin to glow with agony. I’m…
UOVBA News Bot
May 20, 2024